воскресенье, 6 мая 2012 г.

Little models

I would like to start this article with the Scandalous photoshoot published in the magazine “Vogue Paris” in 2011. On these pictures Tilan Blondo, young model at the age of ten, was represented as a woman with adult sexuality. After this photoshoot English Parliament restricted Child pornography laws. French government also created new measures preventing child pornography which will be implemented soon.  
 Thus, the production of adult clothes with children's sizes will be banned. Moreover, the beauty competitions for children under 16 years old will be prohibited. Finally, models under legal age will be forbidden to participate in advertising. 
Meanwhile Tilan Blondo is not only one famous child model in fashion business. Usually, fashion is considered as a business with high incomes for adults. However, each year more and more children become involved. There are a lot of children who are known as world-famous models, such as Mary Elle Fanning, Mackenzie Christine Foy, Ira Brown, and others.
There are several reasons why young models are popular in fashion. However, there is a main one. Fashion-industry companies prefer to invest in children due to low prices. Despite law-wage labor, children work hard as adults. They participate in shooting, advertisements, and fashion shows at any time. For all this activity their mothers and fathers who make all decisions receive money. Most children are told they need to be a star, to be famous. However, often it is parents’ desire which they had but could not realize.

They say, there are no graceless children. However, photographers scrupulously select young models for the business as the cost of mistake in fashion business is high. That is why the following characteristics are considered during the selection process: the child should be photogenic, has large expressive eyes, average weight, and clean skin. Also, very important role plays child character. It is necessary for young models to be confident and do not afraid to express themselves in front of the cameras.
Yong models usually can be divided into three groups: infants, children who just start walking, and children under age of 12. Competition in the children's fashion industry is high. It is difficult to stay demanded for a long time. Moreover, children grow up and their appearance changes. That is why career in fashion industry is not long and stable. However, nobody prepare little models that one day fashion industry will not need them.
Psychologists say young models surrounded by the attention in their childhood usually have problem in their adult life. Desire to be famous and feel admiration from funs becomes a drug for children involved in fashion industry. If they leave this business it can lead to serious social problems in their life.  It is difficult to adjust to new life where it is important to be involved on other activity. However, new type of work which does not make them famous they often do not like. This can lead to substance abuse problems in their future.
What do you think about this issue? Should children be involved in fashion industry? If not, how it should be restricted? It seems to me that children can suffer more psychically than physically, except cases where children can be abused. How it is possible to evaluate psychological damage and to prevent it without forbidding participating in fashion industry.

Luxury Magazines (n.d.). retrived from: http://www.luxury-magazine.ru/stil/samaja-junaja-supermodel_4046.html
Children in fashion (n.d.). retrived from: http://www.24tv.by/articles/deti-modeli-rabota-v-mire-vzroslykh.html
Child labor (n.d.). retrieved from finalNews: http://finalnews.ru/tendentsii/detskiy-trud-malenkie-modeli.html

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